Kenneth M. Rossman

Florida Certified General #RZ3504 Real Estate Appraiser
Tax Grievance Certiorari Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Greenacres, Lake Worth, Lantana, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton


Desktop Screening Appraisal
From $49 to ascertain if a reduction is likely

2055 (Multi-purpose/non-lender) Appraisal - $350 (for any SFR under 3000 sf gla in Southern Palm Beach County Florida by Kenneth Rossman, a Florida Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ3504

Call 561-222-4486 to speak to Anda Scalise
or use the order button above to order an appraisal or desktop.

Where to Find Information in Palm Beach County, Florida Regarding
How to Appeal or Grieve Your Property Taxes

The Mission of the Office of Real Property Services is: Our Mission is to prepare a fair and equitable
tax roll according to Florida statutes, administer all exemptions and serve the public in a courteous manner.

What To Do If You Disagree With Your Assessment - Value Adjustment Board

How Estimates of Market Value are Determined for Residential Properties

Information About Homestead, Military, Disability Exemptions, etc.

Tax Grievance Information for many other states

Get A Free Initial Consultation With A Florida Professional Real Estate Appraiser If your
one or two family owner occupied residence is located in Southeastern Palm Beach County

Find a highly seasoned local appraiser who can appraise your real property for the pupose of grieving your real estate taxes

Information provided herein is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Be sure to check with the municipality involved before proceeding.

We Accept cash, checks and money orders

Please Call Us Now at 561-222-4486 To Order An Appraisal